Brick & Mortar Realty
Mark Carmien, Brick & Mortar RealtyPhone: (413) 320-1162
Email: [email protected]
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LandFor Sale
2b Lilac Ave
Cummington, MA 01026
Courtesy of Delap Real Estate LLC - Carla Ness
MLS Property Information Network
233,481Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

Beautiful views of Cummington and Westfield River valley from the knoll on the lovely parcel of land. Most of the land is cleared. Parcel abuts about 160 acres of permanently protected public land. Cummington is a sweet small town with many cultural activities. Home of the Old Creamery co-op grocery and the Cummington Supply (lumber and some hardware). It is about a half hour to the center of Northampton or Pittsfield or Shelburne Falls. 45 minutes or less to MASSMOCA in N. Adams or Tanglewood in Lenox.

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Information courtesy of Delap Real Estate LLC is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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