Brick & Mortar Realty
Mark Carmien, Brick & Mortar RealtyPhone: (413) 320-1162
Email: [email protected]
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LandFor Sale
166 S Shelburne Rd
Greenfield, MA 01301
Courtesy of Ruggeri Real Estate - Alayna Zellmann
MLS Property Information Network
2,244,821Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

50+ acres of land with multiple possibilities. Close to 700 feet of frontage, there are some wetland challenges, but also lots of possibilities. Also, the land could be split to neighbors for their personal enjoyment. Current owner has owned this property for many years, and it is time for new owner to bring their ideas to the table.

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Information courtesy of Ruggeri Real Estate is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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