Brick & Mortar Realty
Mark Carmien, Brick & Mortar RealtyPhone: (413) 320-1162
Email: [email protected]
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LandFor Sale
121 West St
Hatfield, MA 01088
Courtesy of Century 21 AllPoints Realty - Dolores Melendez
MLS Property Information Network
1,346,439Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

30+ acres of land being sold as is (one package—parcels 216-4 and 216-5). Light industrial. One vernal pool back in on property. High water table, but land can be managed, as adjacent property owners have built up their land. Has public water, gas, and electricity on smaller parcel. No sewer yet, but hopeful for the future, as sewer hook ups were put in recently for nearby properties. Approximate taxes for the 30 acres are roughly $4,000 per year. Make an offer as a future investment.

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Information courtesy of Century 21 AllPoints Realty is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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